No Kill Wilco is a community based, non-profit organization offering a support system to our communities animal welfare organizations. No Kill Wilco believes that with the proven methods of the No Kill Equation, our community will be able to save 100% of our adoptable pets.
We are committed to education, advocacy and providing a sense of togetherness for the greater good of the animals in Williamson County!
- High Volume/Low Cost Spay & Neuter
- Trap-Neuter-Release Programs
- Close work with Rescue Groups
- Strong Volunteer & Foster Care Program
- Comprehensive Adoption Programs
- Better Customer Service
- Medical & Behavioral Rehabilitation Programs
- Public Relations/Community Involvement
- Proactive Redemptions (Returning lost pets to Owners)
- Pet Retention Program (Keeping pets from being surrendered)
- Compassionate Shelter Director
No Kill Wilco believes that with the County's current successes and with our compassionate shelter directors, No Kill is completely within our reach. With 6 area shelters, Williamson County is consistently saving more lives than the average municipality and with education and commitment from our community leaders, we can be the next No Kill County in America.